Shell FRED Introductory Course Online

Shell FRED Introductory Course (Online)

Training Period: 3 x four hour sessions

This course is an introduction into the theory and applications of Shell FRED 2023. It will cover all the existing consequence modeling scenarios within the software, including source term modelling, pool formation, gas dispersion, jet and pool fires, impinging fires, vessel burst smoke ingress in buildings/temporary refuge and explosion scenarios in congested and/or confined areas.

This course combines both theory and practical exercises with the Shell FRED 2023 software. Participants will be required to practice and apply their new knowledge of the software through hands-on exercises. The online course time will include instructional presentations on the use of the tool and the accompanying exercises should be completed outside the scheduled course time. Time will be allowed during and after the presentations for Q&As on the exercises and the instructor will be available during the software evaluation period to answer questions.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to use Shell FRED 2023 for setting up, running and extracting results for a basic range of typical scenarios.

People who intend to carry out consequence modeling with Shell FRED or work closely with people performing these types of Shell FRED simulations. These include safety engineers and consultants in risk consultancy companies, oil and gas and process industries, regulatory bodies and engineering companies.

This course is suitable for completely new users of Shell FRED as well as existing users who would like to refresh their knowledge. In general no special prerequisites are needed, but any prior knowledge in safety consequence modeling, process engineering and 2D modeling will be helpful.

In addition to the professional skill development of staff, organisations will have the capability to fully utilize this comprehensive consequence modelling tool. Shell FRED will assist in carrying out safety-related studies effectively and accurately, including:

  • Process hazard analysis (HAZID, HAZOP, etc.)
  • Regulatory compliance (ATEX/ DSEAR, LPG Compliance Audits, etc.)
  • Modelling studies (dispersion, explosion, and fire modelling)

  • Development of new skills and knowledge
  • Development of competency to carry out various process safety-related studies
  • Ability to come up with recommendations on safety-related studies
  • Ability to practise risk planning and mitigation

Shell FRED Introductory Course

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