Deflagration to Detonation Transition Archives | Gexcon AS - Fire & Explosion Consultants

Deflagration to Detonation Transition News

DDT Evaluation with FLACS - FLUG Week 2021

DDT Evaluation with FLACS – FLUG Week 2021

Gexcon’s recommendation of DpDx for DDT occurrence along with BakerRisk’s identification of DDT- and deflagration-regime as a function of flame Mach No. and normalized flame travel distance, would be used to evaluate DDT in elongated vapor clouds.

New Paper shows CAM Model in Shell FRED performs well in predicting DDT

New Paper shows CAM Model in Shell FRED performs well in predicting DDT

The Shell FRED (Fire, Release, Explosion, and Dispersion) tool is a well-validated software tool for the prediction of the hazardous effects of accidental or intentional releases and is supported by over 40 years of physical testing and validation. A paper released in

Next Phase of Research into DDT Events and Mitigation

Next Phase of Research into DDT Events and Mitigation

One of the most devastating events that can occur on offshore facilities is a vapor cloud explosion (VCE) followed by a fire. Designing proper structures that can withstand maximum credible events (MCE) becomes an integral part of safety designs. Gexcon has embarked…

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