Explosion pressure development test - Gexcon Fire and Explosion Test

Explosion pressure development test


The purpose of the explosion pressure development test is to understand the reactivity of your dust (how fast does it burn) and the maximum explosion pressure that could be generated by your dust in a closed volume.

This test is especially relevant for the design of protective measures for industrial equipment in which dust explosions may occur. Therefore, it is especially relevant for manufacturers supplying protective systems.


We perform this test based on EN 14034-1:2004+A1:2011: “Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds – Part 1: Determination of the maximum explosion pressure Pmax of dust clouds” and EN 14034-2:2006+A1:2011: “Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds ‒ Part 2: Determination of the maximum rate explosion pressure rise (dP/dt)- max of dust clouds”.

We disperse various amounts of the dust sample inside a 20-litre explosion apparatus subsequently igniting these using a strong ignition source (10kJ). The pressure-time history developed in the vessel is thus determined for a number of dust-air concentrations.

The pressure-time histories are analysed to determine the Pmax, dP/dtmax, and KSt value.


The test results are used to design systems to protect dust handling equipment from the consequences of dust explosions including explosion venting systems, explosion suppression systems, explosion isolation systems, and explosion pressure resistant equipment.

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